Freelance Portfolio

Contact me 💌 about my digital storytelling and design services, which include thought partnership, branding, web design, photography, writing copy, illustration, graphic design, animation, and video/audio editing.

I enjoy collaborating on projects that are community driven and value-aligned!

DISCO Network

Brand design, web design, and content creation for a Mellon funded research consortium on the social impacts of technology at the University of Michigan

Making Meaningful Content When Everyone’s Exhausted

A toolkit for accessible and sustainable content creation and strategy presented at Allied Media Conference 2022

Promotional flyer for an event by the Michigan Psychedelic Society
Music video for Marcosieve
Animation collaboration with Diego
Promotional brochure for The Historic Totem Village in Saint Ignace, MI
Sticker for Brutal, Inc.
Video shot and edited for Grinnell Tiny Dorm 
Promotional flyer for a poetry performance
Animation for the DISCO Network
Promotional video for Twine (click image to watch video)
Social media graphics for the Psober Psychonaut
Promotional flyer for Spilling Saloons
Promotional flyer an event by the DISCO Network
Music video for Sorry We're Late
Past lives animation for M
Graphic for the Digital Studies Institute’s blog
Promotional video edited for the Seattle Children's Film Festival
Course flyer for the Digital Studies Institute
Website for artist Darryl Brown
Logo for the Digital Accessible Futures Lab
Logo for a symposium on sneakers and Blackness
Social media content researched and designed for Kamal for Iowa State House 2020 Campaign